Sunday, April 26, 2009


Do not tell me not to wear certain things, especially if you would like the opposite to happen.

1. Women – No overly revealing attire. No bare feet. Dress slacks (not colored jeans or khakis) and blouse, skirt (at least kneelength)
and blouse, or dress (at least knee-length); blouses/tops should cover your shoulders and have a conservative
neckline; dress shoes (no sandals, chunky shoes, or open toes) and tights, hose, or dress socks.

Taken from the syllabus of one of my professors.
My own particular brand of warfare is always subterfuge. I have my jury tomorrow, and I'm wearing a blouse, pencil skirt, hose, and heels.
You can bet that every single one of those will break the rules, but only in a subtle way.
Example: I am indeed wearing hose. Fishnets.

Suck it, dress code.

Labels for this post: rebellion, jury, bad ideas

Friday, April 24, 2009

Shark Attack

I promise there wasn't an actual shark attack; that would be much more alarming than a blog post. But there you are.
I'm wearing a t-shirt with a cartoon shark that says, "AAHHH!" at the bottom. It's easily the funniest item of clothing I have, and I totally wore it because I had my final fiction critique today.
Some people loved it, and a few hated it. My professor didn't really like it, because it wasn't fictional - it was "creative nonfiction" (oxymoron) so I'm not very pleased with it.
Some people were pretty harsh with it, even though it cleverly written, simply because it's specific to our generation (age o' technology) and our addiction to Facebook.
Also, it is funny. Funny is not allowed.
Then why do I want to write anything at all? I'm not an English major - I'm going to be a music teacher, and I resent that people gave me terrible critiques because I'm not trying to get published. Sue me.

I had some other large philosophical idea that I wanted to impress upon others, but I'm not sure if I feel like that anymore, after complaining excessively about my injured pride. Hmm.
Let's be more positive. I am going to the opera workshop concert tonight with a cute, funny boy who likes to read and play Super Smash Bros.

Labels for this post: defensive, random, AAHHH!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If you read this, you asked for it

I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight, unless I fall asleep at my piano (possibly). I'm also getting incredibly frustrated by the aforementioned piano, because I could definitely play this piece (at least the left hand) a month ago, and now I can barely play a page without stopping, messing up, or various other imperfections.
So, I'm going to fill out a silly, trivial survey. Shoot me.


Does your Facebook password have to do with a boy?
No, it's a very random code that has absolutely no significance to my daily life and work.

What's one thing a guy can do to make you like them?
A good sense of humor, genuine chivalry, a defined style

Are you a girly girl?
Physically, yes, I love dresses and shoes and I hate bugs. Emotionally, rarely.

Big or small purses?
Depends on the situation

Do you enjoy drama?
Uhhhh no. Not even remotely.

Did you dress up on Halloween?
Always! I was Alice in Wonderland (but not in a creepy schoolgirl fantasy-esque way)

Do you call anybody by their last name?
Lumia...for some people, it's full name basis

How many guys will read this just because it says "FEMALE SURVEY"?
Whooooooooo cares

Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
If I want to have war paint or look like Twiggy

Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Yes, generally when it comes to shopping or sex

Eyeliner or mascara?
I use both - I have short eyelashes

American Eagle or Hollister?
Even though neither of them are my style anymore, definitely AE

Heels or Flats?
Flats!!!! Too many of them!

Skirts or jeans?
Jean skirts...what now you mother bitchessss

Straight or curly hair?
Crazy hair! I love my hair!

Hoops or dangling earrining?
Dangles please

Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Dark haired, generally speaking, but there are always exceptions to these things

Do you have a best friend?
A few! I'm very lucky :)

Do you like your life?
Considering that there are people who barely live past the age of three and die of starvation and malnutrition and undergo civil wars where they're forced to kill their parents, I love absolutely everything about my overprivileged existence.

Ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
Probably, I don't really remember

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
Yeah! it's fun!

Ever slapped a guy in the face?
Not seriously...I did once punch someone, and I almost broke my thumb

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Do you ever wish you were famous?
No, all the side effects of fame really turn me off

Preppy or Punk/goth?
I call my style "chic irreverence"
Yeah, it's pretty pretentious

Contacts or Glasses?
Neither...20/20 suckers

Good cook or take you out a lot?
Cook! Let's make dinner - I love cooking, and I am reasonably talented at it too!

Funny or Serious?
Funny, easily. You can tone down funny, but you can't really lift up Serious.

Long or short hair?
For me? Longer hair...for guys, whatever looks better, though I dig "just a little too long" short hair

Smoker or non-smoker?
NON - voice major

Tall or short?
Tall, please, I'm 5'7, babycakes

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
If I like them too, why not? If not, I very politely decline any sort of invitation and distance myself for a while. It's pretty hurtful at the time, but I think it's better in the long run.


If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?
No, I seriously doubt it

When was the last time you were in a photobooth ?
I think I was 10, at Hershey Park or something...

Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?
Lindsey Fitz!

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?

On average what do you think you cry about the most?
This should be pretty obvious if you know me at all

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?
Yes, one, and it's a tenuous friendship at best

Who was the last guy you talked to?
Spoke to or hollered at? You have to make the distinction. Also, none of your bidness.

Do you think best friends can be replaced?
Replaced, no, but they can sort of fade into the background more, especially if you go to different schools and they never call you or you never call them.

Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot?
Yes - some of my sisters, who are wonderful =)

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
I hope so. That's what I profess to do as an educator and musician.

Anything bothering you right now?
I have 4 things to prepare for tomorrow, and I'm sick, but I can't sleep because I don't have any time. Otherwise, it's pretty good, I'm kind of hungry, so I'mma make some ziti.

Goodnight, I love you.

Labels for this post: stories, selfish, pry

Saturday, April 18, 2009


As a musician, I frequently employ analogies to explain things, and I've noticed that most of my professors use them too. For instance, dissonance is crunchy, like leaves. Dr. Hebert says things are "sizzly" like "crispy fried chicken" and then (usually) "Ooooh, lunch."

Metaphors are also good. Sometimes they occur to me, and I don't write them down, because they're usually the product of bitterness, and I'm not fixin' to have that. Sometimes they're the result of buoyant cheer, sometimes profound sadness. Either way, I read them and I feel so thankful that I was taught well enough to create this:
"Every fiber of my being is wretched with apology."
"In fashion, give hints - not answers."
"When I see you, I know who I am again. I hear your voice and I have found gravity."
"Gil carefully washes his paintbrushes, flooding the sink with colorful dreams."
"She refused to look at the lush furniture, the vibrant paintings converging at the corners of her vision."
Fiction writing is the best of ideas.
Now, go bed.

Labels for this post: analogies, metaphors, quotations

Monday, April 13, 2009


Sometimes when I quickly scan text, I see words that aren't what they appear to be at first. It's pretty interesting - I was just reading through a message and I was convinced that the word "Vagina" was somewhere in the title. It was not.
I'm pretty sure that's how they make movies so enthralling. They'll create a scene, but leave part of the image out, so that your mind has to create it in sequence. You're not supposed to notice it, like the dirty things they put in Disney movies for people who have time to freeze-frame their VCRs and see mermaid penises.
So, how was your day?

This week has already been incredibly stressful, and it's not even remotely close to over. It's times like these when I really just want to sleep - not die or leave or quit my major or anything - I just want a few more hours to sleep, one less obligation.
This is going to sound really strange, and unlike me, but it's days like today that I really miss Maurice. If he were at school, and we were together, today I could have come home to his apartment, watched some Family Guy, made some spaghetti, and he would have listened to me vent about my day (even though it wasn't that stressful). Instead, I called him, which I very rarely do, and he was very kind and listened to me complain for ten minutes.
He's such a good person, and I'm really, really lucky that he isn't like me in some ways.

Let's move on so I don't dwell too much, or too publicly.
I'd like to just list things I like, and if that's irritating, suck it up.
I Very Much Like:
-yogurt pretzels
-classic bubblegum
-A certain very cute guy
-Lindsey Fitz
-Ryan McGuire
-proper grammar
-writing in general
-MUSIC (durrrrrr)
-my wifey :)
-Allyson, Jackie, Alexis, and J's apartment!!
-clothes omg!
-Jesus (actually, I love Him)
-faith, hope, and love

Labels for this post: Freudian, morose, favorites

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sexual stereotypes

Sometimes, when Dabney and I are bored in Studio (frequently) we play this game. It's pretty mean, but it's funny. We peg everyone who gets up to sing as some sort of sexual stereotype.
Be warned, if you attend voice studio.

Moving right brother is wonderful. Absolutely and without question. Earlier I was talking to my Mom on the phone, and I overheard him say, "Jesus Christ dyed Easter eggs for our sins."
Needless to say, it's now my Facebook status. I much prefer something like that to a physical state of being; I don't care if you know that I am in the library (I am never in the library) or how I'm feeling and FML! and all of that. I'd much rather tell you that Jesus dyed Easter eggs for our sins.
I love granola - you should too!

Labels for this post: nonsense, Easter, Bunkster Yoy (Will)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I'm in the process of sorting and folding my laundry...I shouldn't be awake, but I am.
It's been a pretty serious trend this semester, this wakefulness at inappropriate times and sleepiness in Psychology (and other various classes) which is equally inappropriate.

I'm really displeased with my second story in Writing Fiction. The concept was great - seriously, I'm really proud of that aspect of it - but I could barely write it. For some reason, I couldn't make the current flow very well. I didn't develop anything to the point where it would be believable, and then I got really tired, so I just killed my main character. Lame.
I'm working on my revision, and I'm trying something new (for me): working backwards. I started from the end and I'm working my way to the beginning. It helps me streamline my brain and the direction of the overall piece. Hopefully, this will work out well.
Let's see...other insights into my own perspective that you didn't know about previously but you suspected all along, except you weren't brave enough to ask me, kind of like how you're not brave enough to wear skinny jeans with beat up sneakers or a sundress with roller skates. Exactly like that.
I would love to go into fashion, especially fashion journalism (if that's a real field and not just a product of my wishful thinking) because I think I'd be pretty good at it. I love to dress people, so if you ever want me to come over and pick out something, just let me know!
I totally will, but you do have to trust me to some degree, providing that I don't tell you to wear one of those M&M costumes on a first date.

Labels for this post: awake, Symphonie Fantastique, roller skates