Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We rely MUCH too heavily on Facebook. Or at least, I do, if I need to find anything out at all, which is completely absurd. I almost spelled "absurd" with an 'o' instead of an "a". Lame.
Actually, it's just wine-induced. Wine reduction?
Nobody ever leaves comments on drunk posts, and why should they? It's frightening enough to be taken for a road trip, or on one of those rollercoasters that don't even deserve that title because they're not scary enough, but since people have lost legs being idiots on them they earn it.
You know, like the ones where they play "Zip a Dee Doo Dah" which I don't even really need to know how to spell. How awesome is that?
I really hope I get to audition to be a Disney Princess. I'm pretty much desperately in love with this idea. Thank goodness - I don't want to be desperately in love with anyone quite yet.
You know what I'm excited about, romantically? Feeling lonely. Isn't that bizarre? I know it is, surely and rationally as I know that the sky only appears blue because air particles reflect blue light and therefore "midnight blue" on a crayon is a scientifically legitimate color, but I don't care. It really does make sense, if you're me and you just like to toe that line between bitter sophisticate and idealist. Yeah, hush yo mouf.
I feel like being lonely would be good in this way because it would mean that I was emotionally open and missing that person. Sure, I do talk up people I like, I just don't want a surrious relationship, y'know?

Like, y'know.

Labels for this post: completely wholesome as always and forever amen


  1. I absolutely love reading your posts! You're easily a favorite person of mine :-) I <3 you Wifey!!!
    And thanks for the advice on the wedding shoes; I completely agree with you :-D
