Saturday, March 7, 2009

Look at me

Some people make me breathless. That's all I'm going to say about the title.

I love poetry. I don't know how many of you know that, but I absolutely adore it. I think I'd like to try to write it, but I'm not sure I'd be good at it. I may be a decent writer, but that doesn't mean that I can write poetry. It takes a specific voice, and I doubt I have it.
Speaking of writing, I spoke to my creative writing professor about my next story (yeah dystopia!) and he told me that I should revise my first story and submit it to the children's literature professors, who could send it to professional editors and a publishing company! AHHHHHHH!!!!
I'm pretty excited about this, I'm not going to lie =D
I really do love to write. I don't love it as much as I love music, where I can be completely overwhelmed and broken by the musical tasks and soothe myself with the very same thing.
I'm going to see Coraline tonight - I very much hope that I don't get too scared because, well, that's just the kind of person I am.
I don't want to be mundane anymore today. There's too much.
Go read "somewhere i have never travelled" by ee cummings. Please.

Labels for this post: longing, praise, veiled


  1. You are cool.

    The end.

    P.S. - Hey, let's go get sushi this summer.

    The real end.

  2. i know what you mean about english--it's my second passion behind music as well. ;) you should totally try and write poetry at least once. if it sucks, you'll know to stick to prose and fiction and all that good stuff. :)

    hope that spring break is treating you well!! can't wait to see you again! <3

  3. Coraline was really good, but super creepy. Also, I love poetry too, of course being an English major probably has something to do with it :)
